New England Complex Systems Institute
One Day Course
October 30, 2001
University of Cincinnati
This course will give an introduction to the opportunities
that complex systems provides in research and in applications.
Several approaches to the study of complex systems will be
described, basic concepts will be introduced and implications
for the study of biological, social, and engineered systems
will be discussed.
Information and Registration:
Managing Complex Organizations in a Complex World:
Leadership in Rapidly Changing Business Environments--
Learning and Adapting in Time
NECSI Executive Education Programs
November 15-16, 2001
Cambridge, MA
Early registration: October 15
Yaneer Bar-Yam, NECSI and Harvard University
Tom Petzinger, Jr., Author, The New Pioneers and CEO,
Peter Senge, Society for Organizational Learning and MIT Sloan School of
John Sterman, MIT Sloan School of Management
This is a two-day practical experience on working with chaos and
complexity--in the global economy, in national markets, in business-to-business interactions and within the organization
itself. We will use new insights and concepts from the field of
complex systems to discuss innovative ways to survive and thrive
in today's new/old economy.
Information and registration:
Please Note:
In light of recent events, as our contribution to the rebuilding
of the U.S. economy, registration fees for the November 15-16
executive education program have been substantially reduced to
allow increased participation. This course will enhance
participants' understanding of how to build and maintain
effective organizations, including the identification of
strengths and vulnerabilities.
One-Week Intensive Course: Complex Physical, Biological and
Social Systems
Date: January 7-11, 2002
Location: Cambridge, MA
Format: A one-semester course in a one-week format.
Subject Matter:
Introduction to essential concepts of complex systems and
related mathematical methods and simulation strategies
with application to physical, biological and social systems.
Concepts to be discussed include: emergence, complexity,
networks, self-organization, pattern formation, evolution,
adaptation, fractals, chaos, cooperation, competition,
attractors, interdependence, scaling, dynamic response,
information, and function. Methods to be discussed include: statistical
cellular automata, agent-based modeling, pattern recognition,
system representation, and informatics.
Demonstration of the application of complex systems methods
will be made through studies of Social systems: education
system, health care system, military system; Psychosocial
systems: patterns of social behavior, mind, creativity,
awareness; Biological systems: evolution, physiology,
immune system, brain, cellular systems, genetic networks; Physical
systems: meteorology.
Target Audience:
This course is intended for graduate students, post-doctoral
fellows, and faculty who would like to gain an understanding
of the fundamentals of complex systems and develop
methodological tools for conducting research in their
respective fields.
Credit: Arrangements for credit at a home institution should be made in
advance. Contact Cherry or Luke
For more information and registration:
Traveling Seminars, Fall 2001/Spring 2002
Due to the growing interest in complex systems, we are offering
one-day seminars at universities and other organizations across
the U.S. and Canada.
These seminars provide an opportunity to introduce basic complex
systems concepts and to explore the scope this field provides
for research and applications.
Perhaps the most important part of the program is the opportunity for
participants to ask questions about applications or areas of
interest specific to them.
For an example of a past seminar, please see:
To plan and schedule a program, please contact Luke at
Academic Year 2001-2002 Memberships
Membership in NECSI is $20 per year for registered
students, $50 per year for academics, and $100 per
year for everyone else. Corporate membership is $500
if you wish to register in the name of your corporation
instead of individually. All memberships are fully tax-deductible. To
register for membership, please send a
message including your name and preferred e-mail address
to Payment
information can be found at
Discount: Advances in Complex Systems
Advances in Complex Systems is a multidisciplinary quarterly
journal devoted to the study of complex systems. It is published
by World Scientific. We are pleased to announce that NECSI
members are currently eligible for a special subscription rate
of $92 (the regular price for individuals is $145, so the discount
is greater than the NECSI membership fee for faculty and much
greater than the membership fee for students).
For more information about Advances in Complex Systems, see
For subscriptions, go to
and enter "NECSI Member Rate" in the comment field. If you are
not sure if your membership is up to date, contact
NECSI Discussion Group
A discussion forum of complex systems principles in
science and application to physical, biological and social
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