Eugene Thacker, Bioinformatics and Bio-logics
Saul Newman, Stirner and Foucault: Toward a Post-Kantian
Zafer Aracagök, Whatever Image
Meyda Yegenoglu, Liberal Multiculturalism and the Ethics
of Hospitality in the Age of Globalization
Darren Tofts, "The World Will Be Tlon": Mapping the
Fantastic onto the Virtual
Piotr Gwiazda, Modernism Old or New? A review of Marjorie
Perloff, _21st-Century Modernism: The "New" Poetics_.
Malden: Blackwell, 2002.
Sandy Baldwin, A Poem Is a Machine to Think With: Digital
Poetry and the Paradox of Innovation. A review of Loss
Pequeno Glazier, _Digital Poetics: The Making of
E-Poetries_. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 2002.
Char Roone Miller, Zizek's Second Coming. A review of
Slavoj Zizek, _On Belief_. London and New York: Routledge,
Rekha Rosha, Accelerating Beyond the Horizon. A review of
Paul Virilio, _A Landscape of Events_. Trans. Julie Rose.
Cambridge: MIT P, 2000.
Susan Laxton, Good Place and No Place. A review of
Catherine de Zegher and Mark Wigley, eds., _The Activist
Drawing: Retracing Situationist Architectures from
Constant's New Babylon to Beyond_. New York: The Drawing
Center, and Cambridge, Mass.: MIT P, 2001.
Notices (WWW Version Only)
Notes on Contributors
Zafer Aracagok, Whatever Image
o Abstract: This essay can be seen as an attempt to
foreground a new approach to representation with an outcome
of a new concept, "whatever image." This is undertaken by
going through Benjamin's handling of image via Leibniz in
the prologoue of "German Tragic Drama" where he problematizes
epistomolgy's claim to truth by introducing his idea of
constellations and thus opens up the question of a rigid,
bounded image of the world to an immanence; Adorno's
theories in "Negative Dialectics", concerning the image as
the third term, as a screen, between subject and object, by
way of which he introduces the question of "the resurrection
of flesh" as far as the perception of the world in the form
of images is concerned; and Giorgio Agamben's concept of
"whatever" in "The Coming Community" by means of which I
attempt to introduce a "whateverness" to the concept of
image which aims to open the question of image to
"experience through flesh."--za
Saul Newman, Stirner and Foucault: Towards a
Post-Kantian Freedom
o Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explore and
to develop a post-Kantian concept of freedom--that is, a
notion of freedom that is not circumscribed by the
categorical imperative or determined by pre-ordained
rational and moral coordinates. The paper attempts this
through an exploration of Max Stirner's and Michel Foucault's
reflections on freedom. Both thinkers, while not usually
discussed together, share a similar critique of essentialist
identities and universal rational and moral structures, and
the relations of domination and exclusion that flow from
them. Broadly speaking, both thinkers see the classical
Kantian idea of freedom as redundant, as it is dependent
upon fixed rational and moral postulates that restrict
individual autonomy. They reconceptualize freedom in ways
that increase the power the individual exercises over him
or herself. Moreover, they recognize that, rather than
freedom being an abstract, metaphysical ideal removed from
the world of power, it is in fact situated in relations of
power and must be understood in these terms. Stirner, as we
shall see, dispenses with the classical notion of freedom
altogether and develops a theory of ownness to describe this
radical individual autonomy. I suggest that such a theory of
ownness can provide a more positive grounding for Foucault's
own idea of freedom as involving a critical ethos and an
aesthetics of the self. By examining the subtle connections
between these thinkers on the question of freedom, it is
possible to arrive at a "postmodern" understanding of
freedom that goes beyond the Kantian parameters laid down
for it. --sm
Eugene Thacker, Bioinformatics and Bio-logics
o Abstract: Combining approaches from media studies and
science studies, this essay explores the relationship
between genetic and computer "codes" through a consideration
of the burgeoning field of "bioinformatics"--the development
and application of computer technologies to life science
research. Bioinformatics ranges in its use from online
genomic and proteomic databases to the use of software for
gene discovery and protein folding analysis. It is linked to
the software industry, governmental-corporate life science
research, and application in "in silico biology," medical
genetic diagnostics, and database management. As a direct
intersection of computer science and molecular biology,
bioinformatics promises to transform the study of biological
life into computation, where particular gene-protein
interactions and even entire cells can be informatically
understood through the use of computer technology. This
essay provides a critical analysis of several bioinformatics
systems, such as BLAST (a standard genome analysis tool).
Focusing on the ways in which bioinformatics software
contextualizes biological materiality, the essay argues that
bioinformatics is a practice of "biomedia," or the informatic
recontextualization of biological components and processes.
Bioinformatics thus privileges an informatic approach to the
body, while evincing a deep investment in the ways in which
biological materiality can be technically enhanced; the body
becomes a technology, but a technology geared towards the
production of a biotechnical body.--et
Darren Tofts, "The World Will Be Tlön": Mapping
the Fantastic on to the Virtual
o Abstract: This essay revisits one of the key texts of
the fantastic, Jorge Luis Borges's classic 1940 short
fiction, "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius." Borges's short
parable of an entirely simulated, fictitious world has
become one of the key texts of postmodernism, a touchstone
in our understanding of the blurry lines of demarcation
between reality and its copies. But it also has much to
teach us about our current preoccupation with the creation
of virtual worlds in the digital age. To this end, the paper
will discuss the capacity of the digital to create virtual
worlds that, like the fabulatory world of Tlö'n, are
excessive, "too real." In our contemporary virtual culture,
the troubling question at the heart of Borges' fiction is
still as urgent--do we need reality any more? The essay also
examines the uncanny cultural fallout of the virtual in
terms of the publication of a literary hoax by Australian
journalist Guy Rundle. Rundle's piece, ostensibly a homage
to the power of Borges' writing to convince us of the
reality of the unreal, concerned a purported but little
known journey Borges took to Melbourne in 1938. In pursuing
Borges's imaginary footsteps, a peculiar and unsettling
reality starts to emerge. --dt
Meyda Yegenoglu, Liberal Multiculturalism and the Ethics
of Hospitality in the Age of Globalization
o Abstract: This article problematizes the liberal
imperative to tolerate and respect cultural difference
under globalization and suggests that it is far from
displacing the sovereignty of the host society in question.
By making a detour through Derrida's reading of the aporias
of conditional hospitality, it suggests that codified
multiculturalist tolerance (a form of conditional
hospitality) enables the subject to appropriate a universal
and sovereign place from which the other is welcomed.
Regulating the destabilizing force of the political by
enabling a disavowed and inverted self-referentiality of
racist hospitality, conditional hospitality entails the
repudiation, limitation, or foreclosure of politics proper.
To reformulate the problematic of multiculturalism in
ethical terms, it follows Derrida's reading of unconditional
hospitality which involves an intentional attention to the
other which entails an "interruption of the self by the self
as other." To rethink the relationship between conditional
and unconditional hospitality in political terms, it
examines the limitations and congealments conditional
hospitality imposes on politics proper. By articulating
Antonio Negri's concepts of constituent and constitutive
power it establishes parallelism between constituted power
and conditional hospitality. Locating the possibility for a
democratic politics in the ethical opening unconditional
hospitality will bring about, it suggests that such an
opening can function to uphold the creative force of
constituent power. Further, in resisting
constitutionalization, unconditional hospitality can open up
the irreducible nature of the political as well as the
possibility of an ethical being where the otherness of the
foreigner is recognized. This can be seen as the opposite of
the foreclosure of the "right to have rights" or democratic
politics that is managed by conditional hospitality. --my