P       RNCU   REPO   ODER       E            P O S T M O D E R N
P  TMOD RNCU  U EP S  ODER  ULTU E               C U L T U R E
P  TMODERNCU  UREPOS  ODER  ULTU E          an electronic journal
P  TMODERNCU  UREPOS  ODER       E           of interdisciplinary
Volume 3, Number 2 (January, 1993)                ISSN: 1053-1920
Editors:                              Eyal Amiran, Issue Editor
                                      John Unsworth
Review Editor:                        Jim English
Managing Editor:                      Nancy Cooke
List Manager:                         Chris Barrett
Editorial Assistant:                  Jonathan Beasley
Editorial Board:
      Kathy Acker                     Chimalum Nwankwo
      Sharon Bassett                  Patrick O'Donnell
      Michael Berube                  Elaine Orr
      Marc Chenetier                  Marjorie Perloff
      Greg Dawes                      David Porush
      R. Serge Denisoff               Mark Poster
      Robert Detweiler                Carl Raschke
      Henry Louis Gates, Jr.          Mike Reynolds
      Joe Gomez                       Avital Ronell
      Robert Hodge                    Andrew Ross
      bell hooks                      Jorge Ruffinelli
      E. Ann Kaplan                   Susan M. Schultz
      Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett   William Spanos
      Arthur Kroker                   Tony Stewart
      Neil Larsen                     Gary Lee Stonum
      Jerome J. McGann                Chris Straayer
      Stuart Moulthrop                Paul Trembath
      Larysa Mykyta                   Greg Ulmer
      Phil Novak
AUTHOR & TITLE                                              FN FT
Masthead, Contents, and                              CONTENTS 193
     Instructions for retrieving files
Barrett Watten, "Post-Soviet Subjectivity"             WATTEN 193
Arkadii Dragomoshchenko, from _Phosphor_.  Tr.       DRAGOMOS 193
     Lyn Hejinian and Elena Balashova
Jerome McGann, Vitaly Chernetsky,                    SYMPOS-1 193
     Arkadii Dragomoshchenko, Mikhail Epstein,
     Lyn Hejinian, Bob Perelman, Marjorie
     Perloff, A Symposium on Russian
     Postmodernism, Oct. 26-Nov. 25, 1992
Marjorie Perloff, and Mikhail Epstein, two           SYMPOS-2 193
     draft essays circulated as part of
     Postmoder Culture's symposium on Russian
Vladislav Todorov, "The Four Luxembourgs"             TODOROV 193
Wendy Wahl, "Bodies and Technologies: _Dora_,            WAHL 193
     _Neuromancer_, and Strategies of
Alan Aycock, "Derrida/Fort-da: Deconstructing          AYCOCK 193
Kathleen Burnett, "Towards a Theory of                BURNETT 193
     Hypertextual Design"
Honoria, "Introducing Mail Art: A Karen Elliot
     interview with Crackerjack Kid and Honoria"     POP-CULT 193
Stuart Moulthrop, "Deuteronomy Comix."  A review
     of Neal Stephenson's _Snow Crash_.              REVIEW-1 193
Jon Thompson, "Consuming Megalopolis."  A review
     of Celeste Olalquiaga's _Megalopolis:
     Contemporary Cultural Sensibilities_.           REVIEW-2 193
Philip E. Agre, "Sustainability and Critique."
     A review of Will Wright's _Wild Knowledge:
     Science, Language, and Social Life in a
     Fragile Environment_.                           REVIEW-3 193
Susan J. Ritchie, "Constructing an Archipelago:
     Writing the Caribbean."  A review of Antonio
     Benitez-Rojo's _The Repeating Island:
     The Caribbean and the Postmodern
     Perspective_.                                   REVIEW-4 193
James Morrison, "Hitchcock: The Industry."  A
     review of Robert E. Kapsis's _Hitchock: The
     Making of a Reputation_.                        REVIEW-5 193
Josephine Lee, "Cookbooks for Theory and
     Performance."  A review of Case, Sue-Ellen
     and Janelle Reinelt, eds.  _The Performance
     of Power: Theatrical Discourse and Politics_,
     and Reinelt, Janelle G. and Joseph R. Roach,
     eds.  _Critical Theory and Performance_.        REVIEW-6 193
Glen Scott Allen, "Baptismal Eulogies:
     Reconstructing Deconstruction from the
     Ashes."  A review of Jacques Derrida's
     _Cinders_, tr. Ned Lukacher, and Jacques
     Derrida's _The Other Heading: Reflections on
     Today's Europe_, tr. Pascale-Anne Brault &
     Michael B. Naas.                                REVIEW-7 193
Vaillancourt-Rosenau and Foley, an exchange           LETTERS 193
Announcements and Advertisements               [WWW Version only]
Barrett Watten, "Post-soviet Subjectivity in Arkadii
     Dragomoshchenko and Ilya Kabakov"
          ABSTRACT: The break-up of official culture in the
     Soviet Union led to aesthetic developments characterized by
     an intense, utopian, and metaphysically speculative
     subjectivity.  Identifying these "post-Soviet" developments
     with postmodernism would be to misunderstand them, however.
     Aspects of this subjectivity can be seen in the
     installations and texts of Ilya Kabakov, developing out of
     Moscow conceptual art originating in the 1970s and now being
     shown in museums in the West, and in the poetry of Arkadii
     Dragomoshchenko, representative of the 1980s "meta" litera-
     ture from Moscow and Leningrad, now appearing in American
     translations.  Both projects, while formally very different,
     dismantle Soviet authority in ways that are more culturally
     specific than generically postmodern.  --BW
Jerome McGann, Vitaly Chernetsky, Arkadii Dragomoshchenko,
     Mikhail Epstein, Lyn Hejinian, Bob Perelman, and Marjorie
     Perloff, "A Symposium on Russian Postmodernism"
          ABSTRACT: Jerome McGann moderates an email discussion
     among Vitaly Chernetsky, Arkadii Dragomoshchenko, Mikhail
     Epstein, Lyn Hejinian, Bob Perelman, and Marjorie Perloff
     about Russian Postmodernism.  The discussions took place on
     Oct. 26-Nov. 25, 1992.  The symposium includes poetry by
     Arkadii Dragomoschenko, from XENIA, and an essay by
     Dragomoschenko, "Eroticism of For-Getting, Eroticism of
     Beyond-Being" (translated by Vanessa Bittner with Arkadii
     Dragomoshchenko).  A draft of an essay by Marjorie
     Perloff was circulated at the beginning to all participants;
     this essay, and also excerpts from an essay by Mikhail
     Epstein (sent during the symposium), are included the file
     SYMPOS-2 in this issue.  Participants received an advance
     copy of Barrett Watten's essay, available in this issue as
     WATTEN 193.  --EA
Wendy Wahl, "Bodies and Technologies: _Dora_, _Neuromancer_, and
     Strategies of Resistance"
          ABSTRACT: A pragmatic warning for cyborgs seeking to
     resist the "gradual and willing accommodation of the
     machine," the author focuses on the ability of therapeutic
     and cybernetic networks to recuperate resistance. From
     Freudian clinical practice to the historicized future of
     William Gibson's _Neuromancer_, promising theoretical
     disruptions of oppositional pairs are reclaimed in practice,
     often with chilling results. This reclamation is often
     signaled by the material moment when gender oppositions
     break down; in a backlash against their inclusion with "the
     other," the nostalgic and paranoid reaction of male
     theorists excludes the object, locating interiority once
     again within their experience. Is there any space in a
     postnatural future for a female subject with interiority?
Alan Aycock, "Derrida/Fort-da: Deconstructing Play"
          ABSTRACT: Although the writings of Jacques Derrida are
     notable for their playfulness, little attention has been
     given to the possibilities of a deconstructive approach to
     the study of play itself.  Derrida's discussion of the
     "fort-da" game is presented to suggest some elements of such
     an approach, and five examples drawn from participant
     observation of the game of chess are analysed from a
     deconstructive viewpoint.  Some implications of
     deconstruction are offered for further ethnographic
     investigation.  --AA
Kathleen Burnett, "Toward a Theory of Hypertextual Design"
          ABSTRACT: Commencing with a critique of Poster's
     modes of information, this article employs Deleuze &
     Guattari's metaphor of the rhizome to explicate
     electronically mediated exchange, of which hypertext is the
     apparent fulfillment.  The "approximate characteristics of
     the rhizome"--principles of connection, heterogeneity,
     multiplicity, asignifying rupture, and cartography and
     decalcomania--are considered as principles of hypertextual
     design.  --KB

COPYRIGHT: Unless otherwise noted, copyrights for the texts which
comprise this issue of _Postmodern Culture_ are held by their
authors.  The compilation as a whole is Copyright (c) 1993 by
_Postmodern Culture_ and Oxford University Press, all rights
reserved.  Items published by _Postmodern Culture_ may be freely
shared among individuals, but they may not be republished in any
medium without express written consent from the author(s) and
advance notification of the editors.  Issues of _Postmodern
Culture_ may be archived for public use in electronic or other
media, as long as each issue is archived in its entirety and no
fee is charged to the user; any exception to this restriction
requires the written consent of the editors and of the publisher.


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