P       RNCU   REPO   ODER       E            P O S T M O D E R N
P  TMOD RNCU  U EP S  ODER  ULTU E               C U L T U R E
P  TMODERNCU  UREPOS  ODER  ULTU E          an electronic journal
P  TMODERNCU  UREPOS  ODER       E           of interdisciplinary
Volume 6, Number 2 (January, 1996)              ISSN: 1053-1920

Editors:     	 			Eyal Amiran
					Lisa Brawley, issue editor
					Stuart Moulthrop
				   	John Unsworth

Review Editor:				Jim English 

Managing Editor:			Sarah Wells 

Editorial Assistant:			Jessamy Town

List Manager:				Chris Barrett 

Editorial Board:                              

Editorial Board:

     Sharon Bassett 			Phil Novak
     Michael Berube 			Chimalum Nwankwo
     Nahum Chandler			Patrick O'Donnell
     Marc Chenetier 			Elaine Orr
     Greg Dawes 			Marjorie Perloff
     J. Yellowlees Douglas		Fred Pfeil 
     Graham Hammill			Peggy Phelan
     Phillip Brian Harper   		David Porush
     David Herman			Mark Poster
     bell hooks 			Carl Raschke
     E. Ann Kaplan 			Avital Ronell
     Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett 	Susan Schultz
     Arthur Kroker 			William Spanos
     Neil Larsen 			Tony Stewart
     Tan Lin 				Allucquere Roseanne Stone
     Saree Makdisi			Gary Lee Stonum
     Jerome McGann 			Chris Straayer
     Uppinder Mehan			Rei Terada
     Jim Morrison 			Paul Trembath
     Larysa Mykata 			Greg Ulmer    



     TITLE                                               FILENAME
     Paul Mann, "The Nine Grounds of 			 mann.196
     Intellectual Warfare"

     Barbara Page, "Women Writers and the 		 page.196
     Restive Text: Feminism, Experimental Writing 
     and Hypertext"

     Adrian Mackenzie, "'God Has No Allergies':	    mackenzie.196
     Immanent Ethics and the Simulacra of the 
     Immune System"

     C. Colwell, "Deleuze, Sense and the Event of     colwell.196

     Michael Epstein, "%Hyper% in 20th Century	      epstein.196
     Culture: The Dialectics of Transition from 
     Modernism to Postmodernism"

     Cory Brown, "Early Spring" & "Equinox"		brown.196

RELATED READINGS			       [WWW Version only]


     Martin Spinelli, "Radio Lessons for the	     pop-cult.196


     S. Brent Plate, "Lacan Looks at Hill and        review-1.196
     Hears His Name Spoken: An Interpretive Review
     of Gary Hill through Lacan's 'I's' and Gazes." 
     Review of _Gary Hill_, Exhibition at the 
     Guggenheim Museum SoHo.  May 11 - August 20.  
     Organized by Chris Bruce, Senior Curator,
     Henry Art Gallery, Seattle.

     A.H.S. Boy, "Biding Spectacular Time." 	     review-2.196
     Review of Guy Debord, _The Society of the 
     Spectacle_.  trans. Donald Nicholson-Smith.  
     New York: Zone Books, 1994.

     Minette Estevez, "Theorizing Public/Pedagogic   review-3.196
     Space: Richard Serra's Critique of Private
     Property." Review of Richard Serra, 
     _Writings/Interviews_. Chicago: University
      of Chicago Press, 1994.

     Daniel Barbiero, "The First Amendment in an     review-4.196
     Age of Electronic Reproduction." Review of 
     Ronald K.L. Collins and David Skover, _The 
     Death of Discourse_.  Boulder, CO: Westview
     Press, 1995.

     Jeff Schwartz, "It's Only Rock 'n' Roll?" 	     review-5.196
     Review of Simon Reynolds and Joy Press, _The 
     Sex Revolts: Gender, Rebellion, and Rock 'n' 
     Roll_.  Cambridge, MA: Harvard University 
     Press, 1995.

     Brian Evenson, "Rewiring the Culture." 	     review-6.196
     Review of Ben Marcus, _The Age of Wire and 
     String_.  New York: Knopf, 1995


     Selected Letters from Readers                    letters.196


     Announcements and Advertisements          [WWW Version only]


Paul Mann, "The Nine Grounds of Intellectual Warfare"

     ABSTRACT: An essay on intellectual warfare as an extension
     of and, differently, a refraction of the subject of warfare
     generally.  The essay is critical of the tendency within
     contemporary criticism to metaphorize academic debate as
     war, yet rather than dismiss the metaphor, the essay
     explores its operations and symptoms, suggesting that war
     talk is an indication of the "quite peripheral integration"
     of academic knowledge production into forms of geopolitical
     struggle that are actually anachronistic to the ways war is
     being reconceptualized in war rooms and defense institutes.
     At the same time, under the guise of this diagnosis, a set
     of geographical figures appropriated from Sun Tzu's _Art of
     War_ are used to explore -- in the most preliminary and no
     doubt quite illicit manner -- the possibility of an engaged
     criticism that is no longer simply positional, no longer
     ideologically aligned in any clear and manifest way, no
     longer committed to taking a stand and shoring up its
     argumentative defenses, but rather "nomadic," tactical,
     secretive.  This essay thus proposes both to examine the
     current conditions of intellectual warfare and to develop
     models for intellectual war machines more responsive to
     recent advances in military technology. -PM

Barbara Page, "Women Writers and the Restive Text: Feminism, 
     Experimental Writing and Hypertext"

     ABSTRACT: This essay explores some contemporary women 
     writers who work in nonlinear, antihierarchical and de- or
     re-centered forms, and who consciously incorporate into
     their writing feminist discourses of resistance and the
     refiguration of women's bodies, will and desire.  All of the
     writers under discussion aim to clear space for the 
     construction of new textual forms that give scope to the
     self-articulation of women's subjectivity and women's
     historical experience.  Some attempt to open the discursive
     field of the text by writing collaboratively, and, in the
     instance of hypertext writers, by inviting the active
     intervention of the reader in the text.  For all of these
     writers, both the themes and the structure of prose are in
     contest, and all seek to alter the topography of the
     text in order to give space and visual expression to
     silences, disruptions, interpolations, and divisions of
     voice.  Given the aspiration of these writers to
     rearticulate textual structures and codes, hypertext
     would seem an inviting field for writing of this tendency,
     though in its capacity for unbounded absorption it may
     under some conditions undermine discourses of resistance
     and the voicing of women's subjectivity.  Among the print
     writers discussed are Carole Maso, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha,
     and -- in collaboration -- Daphne Marlatt and Betsy
     Warland; among the hypertext writers discussed are Carolyn
     Guyer and Martha Petry in collaboration, and Judy Malloy. -BP

C. Colwell, "Deleuze, Sense and the Event of AIDS"

     ABSTRACT: AIDS, as cancer, syphilis, cholera, leprosy and
     bubonic plague before it, has woven the threads of our
     biological, social and moral existence together into a
     complex disease entity that is much more than the physical
     interaction between its cause(s) and the human organism.
     It presents those already marginalized individuals and
     communities most affected by it (so far) with personal
     and political challenges that threaten their social and
     physical existence.  And it presents the scientific and
     medical community with a challenge and puzzle that is the
     equal, if not greater than, those that have preceded it.
     But it is a mistake to separate these two arenas 
     (social/political and scientific) as they inscribe on one
     another their codes of sense and meaning in a
     hyper-dialectic of transcription and reverse transcription.
     It is, as such, a mistake to take the biological objects
     offered to us by science (specifically the HIV virus) as
     referents free from infection by meanings ideally
     supposed to be excluded from its domain.  This essay
     sketches out the multiple ways in which those senses,
     meanings and referents are generated as a propaduetic to
     finding ways of perverting and transforming those meanings.
     The first part of this essay is a close reading of Gilles
     Deleuze's notions of sense and event as presented in
     _The Logic of Sense_.  I argue that Deleuze provides us
     with a conceptual strategy for understanding how the
     currently actualized meanings of events arise and how such
     meanings might be perverted and transformed.  The second
     part of the essay is an analysis of the particular
     meanings of the event of AIDS showing how those meanings
     are grounded in the various senses and events that border,
     overlap and interpenetrate AIDS.  In particular, I focus on
     the social, political, economic and scientific dominance of
     the HIV model of AIDS, arguing that this dominance is an
     effect of the multiple senses that underlie AIDS (and, as
     such, that the dominance is not due to purely 'scientific'
     reasons).  I conclude by suggesting the ways in which 
     tending to the sense(s) of AIDS allows for the possibility 
     of perverting and transforming the meaning(s) of the disease 
     event. -CC

Adrian Mackenzie, "'God Has No Allergies': Immanent Ethics and 
the Simulacra of the Immune System"

     ABSTRACT: We know that biopower -- the extension of
     relations of power over life, throughout all its unfolding
     -- is currently a crucial site of ethical concern.  Yet
     conventional approaches to ethics aim to contain that
     concern outside the embodied %ethos%, as if there exists a
     clean division between social/moral and objective
     biological domains.  Following the example of immunology,
     this essay argues that such a containment overlooks the
     ethical import of somatic individuation.  In immunological
     models of individuation, two forces of ancient metaphysical
     provenance contest the field: the iconic and the
     simulacral.  The theoretical-pragmatic complex of
     immunology is shot through with the traces of their
     divergence and disparity.  Their confrontation does not
     result in a reconciliation, but in an unsettling of the
     borders between self and other, and between interior and
     exterior.  In this instability might be found the
     possibility of an immanent ethics that would not affirm
     unity and identity as the origin of the embodied self, but
     draw out the divergences that trouble any notion of an
     immune self. -AM

Mikhail Epstein, "%Hyper% in 20th Century Culture: The Dialectics 
of Transition from Modernism to Postmodernism"
     ABSTRACT: This article explores the relationship of
     Modernism and Postmodernism as the two complementary
     aspects of one cultural paradigm, "hyper," which in the
     subsequent analysis falls into the two connected
     categories, those of "super" and "pseudo."  If Russian and
     Western Postmodernism have their common roots in their
     respective Modernist past, in the revolutionary obsession
     with the "super," so also their current engagement with the
     "pseudo" allows us to glimpse the phenomenon of Postmodernism 
     in general in a new dimension.

     My argument focuses on the variety of modernist approaches in 
     Soviet social and intellectual trends which expose the 
     phenomenon of "hyper" in its first stage, as a revolutionary 
     overturn of the "classic" paradigm and an assertion of a 
     "true, essential reality," or "*super*reality."  In the
     second stage,  the same  phenomena are realized and exposed
     as "*pseudo*realities" thus marking the transformation of 
     "hyper" itself from a modernist to a postmodernist stage.  
     I argue for the necessary connection between these two 
     stages, "super" and "pseudo," in the development of 20th 
     century cultural paradigm.  Certainly, this dialectical 
     development of "hyper" presents neither the classic Hegelian 
     dialectics of thesis and antithesis with subsequent 
     reconciliation in synthesis, nor the modernist model of 
     negative dialectics elaborated in the Frankfurt school, with 
     an irreducible opposition of a revolutionary antithesis to a 
     conservative thesis.  Postmodernist dialectics implies 
     neither reconciliation nor revolution but the internal 
     tension of irony.  Antithesis, pushed to an extreme, finds 
     thesis inside itself, moreover, exposes itself as an 
     extension and intensification of this very thesis.  "Hyper" 
     is such a "super" that through excess and transgression 
     undermines its own reality and reveals itself as "pseudo."  
     In this way, *hyper*sociality inherent in the Soviet system 
     can be interpreted simultaneously as a *super*sociality and 
     a *pseudo*sociality.  Communism proves to  be not a
     negation of individualism, but its most voluntarist form
     ruthlessly destructive in regard to communality (the cult
     of personality).  Soviet materialism proves to be not a
     negation of idealism, but its most radical and militant
     form ruthlessly destructive in regard to materiality (the
     dictatorship of ideology). Paradoxically, it was the
     revolution as a quest and an affirmation of a
     "supersignified," a "pure" or "essential" reality, which
     has led to the formation of the pseudo-realities,
     constituted by hollow, non-referential signs of reality,
     with which postmodern culture plays in both Russia and the
     West.  -ME

COPYRIGHT: Unless otherwise noted, copyrights for the texts which
comprise this issue of Postmodern Culture are held by their
authors.  The compilation as a whole is Copyright (c) 1996 by
Postmodern Culture and Oxford University Press, all rights
reserved.  Items published by Postmodern Culture may be freely
shared among individuals, but they may not be republished in any
medium without express written consent from the author(s) and
advance notification of the editors.  Issues of Postmodern
Culture may be archived for public use in electronic or other
media, as long as each issue is archived in its entirety and no
fee is charged to the user; any exception to this restriction
requires the written consent of the editors and of the publisher.

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