----------------------------------------------------------------- Editors' Note Lisa Brawley lbrawley@kent.edu Stuart Moulthrop samoulthrop@UBmail.ubalt.edu © 1999 Lisa Brawley and Stuart Moulthrop. All rights reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------- With this issue, we introduce an interactive annotated bibliography of postmodernism and critical theory. This bibliography began as a graduate student project in John Unsworth's seminar on postmodern fiction and theory at the University of Virginia in the Fall of 1998. Students in that seminar contributed about 120 annotated entries on critical and theoretical works in the study of postmodernism. This database of annotated bibliographic entries has now been migrated to Postmodern Culture: readers of the journal are invited to register with the database and contribute entries of their own. We hope that, over time, this might develop into a valuable resource for students, theorists, and critics working in this area. We also wish to draw attention to the return of the PMC prize, announced in our September issue. Each June, the editorial board of Postmodern Culture will choose an outstanding critical and/or creative work published in the journal during the previous volume year. The author of this work will receive $500 and special billing on our main page. Lisa Brawley Stuart Moulthrop Co-editors ----------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT (c) 1999 BY LISA BRAWLEY AND STUART MOULTHROP, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS TEXT MAY BE USED AND SHARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FAIR-USE PROVISIONS OF U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW. ANY USE OF THIS TEXT ON OTHER TERMS, IN ANY MEDIUM, REQUIRES THE CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE PUBLISHER, THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY PRESS. THIS ARTICLE AND OTHER CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE ARE AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE UNTIL RELEASE OF THE NEXT ISSUE. A TEXT-ONLY ARCHIVE OF THE JOURNAL IS ALSO AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE. FOR FULL HYPERTEXT ACCESS TO BACK ISSUES, SEARCH UTILITIES, AND OTHER VALUABLE FEATURES, YOU OR YOUR INSTITUTION MAY SUBSCRIBE TO PROJECT MUSE, THE ON-LINE JOURNALS PROJECT OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY PRESS. -----------------------------------------------------------------