P       RNCU   REPO   ODER       E            P O S T M O D E R N
P  TMOD RNCU  U EP S  ODER  ULTU E               C U L T U R E
P  TMODERNCU  UREPOS  ODER  ULTU E          an electronic journal
P  TMODERNCU  UREPOS  ODER       E           of interdisciplinary
Volume 2, Number 3 (May, 1992)                    ISSN: 1053-1920
Editors:                              Eyal Amiran
                                      John Unsworth, Issue Editor
Book Review Editor:                   Jim English
Managing Editor:                      Nancy Cooke
List Manager:                         Chris Barrett
Editorial Assistant:                  Mina Javaher
Editorial Board:
      Kathy Acker                     Chimalum Nwankwo
      Sharon Bassett                  Patrick O'Donnell
      Michael Berube                  Elaine Orr
      Marc Chenetier                  Marjorie Perloff
      Greg Dawes                      David Porush
      R. Serge Denisoff               Mark Poster
      Robert Detweiler                Carl Raschke
      Henry Louis Gates, Jr.          Mike Reynolds
      Joe Gomez                       Avital Ronell
      Robert Hodge                    Andrew Ross
      bell hooks                      Jorge Ruffinelli
      E. Ann Kaplan                   Susan M. Schultz
      Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett   William Spanos
      Arthur Kroker                   Tony Stewart
      Neil Larsen                     Gary Lee Stonum
      Jerome J. McGann                Chris Straayer
      Stuart Moulthrop                Paul Trembath
      Larysa Mykyta                   Greg Ulmer
      Phil Novak
AUTHOR & TITLE                                              FN FT
Masthead, Contents, Abstracts,                       CONTENTS 592
Instructions for retrieving files
Russell A. Potter, "Edward Schizohands:                POTTER 592
     The Postmodern Gothic Body"
Fred Pfeil, "Revolting Yet Conserved: Family            PFEIL 592 
%Noir% in _Blue Velvet_ and _Terminator 2_"
Tessa Dora Addison and Audrey Extavasia,              ADD-EXT 592
     "Fucking (With Theory) for Money: Toward
     an Interrogation of Escort Prostitution"
Rochelle Owens, "Drum and Whistle" and                  OWENS 592
     "Black Stems," Two Poems from _LUCA:
     Discourse on Life & Death_
Donald F. Theall, "Beyond the Orality/Literacy         THEALL 592
     Dichotomy: James Joyce and the Pre-History
     of Cyberspace"
Walter Kalaidjian, "Mainlining Postmodernism:        KALAIDJI 592
     Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, and the Art
     of Intervention"
Paul McCarthy, "Postmodern Pleasure and              MCCARTHY 592
     Perversity: Scientism and Sadism"
Cathy Griggers, "Lesbian Bodies in the Age of        POP-CULT 592
     (Post)Mechanical Reproduction"
Terry Collins, "The Vietnam War, Reascendant         REVIEW-1 592
     Conservatism, White Victims," review of
     _The Vietnam War and American Culture_, ed.
     John Carlos and Rick Berg, and _Fourteen
     Landing Zones: Approaches to Vietnam War
     Literature_, ed. Philip K. Jason.
Michael W. Foley, review of _Post-Modernism          REVIEW-2 592
     and the Social Sciences: Insights, Inroads,
     and Intrusions_, by Pauline Marie Rosenau.
Ursula K. Heise, "Becoming Postmodern?"              REVIEW-3 592
     review of _Sequel to History: Postmodernism
     and the Crisis of Representational Time_, by
     Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth.
Edward M. Jennings, "The Text is Dead; Long          REVIEW-4 592
     Live The Techst," review of _Hypertext: The
     Convergence of Contemporary Literary Theory
     and Technology_, by George P. Landow.
Matthew Mancini, review of _Thinking Across          REVIEW-5 592
     the American Grain: Ideology, Intellect,
     and the New Pragmatism_, by Giles Gunn.
Meryl Altman and Keith Nightenhelser, review of      REVIEW-6 592
     _Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks
     to Freud_, by Thomas Laqueur.
Mark Poster, review of _Michel Foucault_, by         REVIEW-7 592
     Didier Eribon.
Linda Ray Pratt, "Speaking in Tongues: Dead          REVIEW-8 592
     Elvis and the Greil Quest," review of
     _Dead Elvis: A Chronicle of a Cultural
     Obsession_, by Greil Marcus.
Rei Terada, "The Pressures of Merely                 REVIEW-9 592
     Sublimating," review of _American Sublime:
     The Genealogy of a Poetic Genre_, by Rob
Announcements and Advertizements               [WWW Version only]
Russell A. Potter, "Edward Schizohands: The Postmodern Gothic
          ABSTRACT:  In the conjunction between the gothic body
     of Edward in Tim Burton's film _Edward Scissorhands_ and the
     anti-Oedipal Body without Organs in Deleuze and Guattari's
     _Anti-Oedipus_, this essay posits a common machine, that of
     the fragmentary, persecuting Gothic body.  Whether in James
     Whale's 1931 film _Frankenstein_ or in 1991's _Body Parts_,
     the partial body appears again and again as the persecuting
     agent of a society founded upon the monolithically Oedipal
     nuclear family.  This constitution of this body, with its
     scars and sutures, is in fact fundamentally Anti-Oedipal;
     when organs do not stay in place, where is an erogenous zone
     to go?  This essay thus offers a reading not only of _Edward
     Scissorhands_ and its filmic and novelistic precursors, but
     also of the postmodern suburbanity which beings from
     Frankenstein to Edward continue to invade.  --RAP
Fred Pfeil, "Revolting Yet Conserved: Family %Noir% in _Blue
     Velvet_ and _Terminator 2_"
          ABSTRACT:  In the new Hollywood, quintessential site of
     the intersection between the flexible specialization of
     post-Fordist production and the free-floating
     ideologemes-turned-syntax of postmodernism, the
     transgressive energies and subversive formal practices that
     first animated and defined %film noir% may be most alive and
     well in a new and even perverse combination with other
     similarly deracinated formal and thematic elements from
     other ex- genres of film.  In contrast to classic %noir%,
     which was non- or even anti-domestic, this newer %noir%
     includes, and indeed is centered on, home and family, even
     as it decenters and problematizes both.  Through a look at
     two successful recent films, _Blue Velvet_ and _Terminator
     2_, I mean to show how home and family are being
     destabilized, "%noir%-ized" in both--dissolved into a semic
     flow or play of boundaries from which, paradoxically, those
     same categories re-emerge with renewed half-life.  --FP
Tessa Dora Addison and Audrey Extavasia, "Fucking (With Theory)
     for Money: Toward an Interrogation of Escort Prostitution"
          ABSTRACT:  This essay is intended as an introductory
     interrogation of the terrain of escort prostitution,
     mobilizing terms from both _The Telephone Book_ by Avital
     Ronell and _A Thousand Plateaus_ by Gilles Deleuze and Felix
     Guattari.  --TDA & AE
Donald F. Theall, "Beyond the Orality/Literacy Dichotomy: James
     Joyce and the Pre-History of Cyberspace"
          ABSTRACT:  _Finnegans Wake_ articulates a radical
     modernist or postmodernist theory of poetics and
     communication, based on gesture and tactility, essential to
     understanding cyberspace and the limitations of the
     orality/literacy dichotomy.  Joyce's impact upon theorists
     like Derrida, Eco, or McLuhan contributes to understanding
     the development of VR out of electromechanical technologies
     and high modernism.  --DFT
Walter Kalaidjian, "Mainlining Postmodernism: Jenny Holzer,
     Barbara Kruger, and the Art of Intervention"
          ABSTRACT:  Taking up the "new times" of postmodernity,
     this essay considers the political resources and limits of
     cultural critique afforded by Kruger's appropriation of
     advertising signage and Holzer's work in light emitting
     diode board technology, both within museum culture and at
     street level.  The essay compares their interventions to the
     more communal, socioaesthetic praxes of Greenpeace and ACT
     UP.  --WK
Paul McCarthy, "Postmodern Pleasure and Perversity: Scientism and
          ABSTRACT:  The project of this essay is to provide a
     theoretical basis for ethical-political resistance to
     postmodern perversity.  Through a comparison of Deleuze &
     Guattari's (1987) _A Thousand Plateaus_ to de Sade's
     prototypical deconstructionism, this essay traces the nature
     and consequences of the circulation of desire in a
     postmodern order of things (an order implicitly modeled on a
     repressed archetype of the new physics' fluid particle
     flows), and it reveals a complicity between scientism, which
     underpins the postmodern condition, and the sadism of
     incessant deconstruction, which heightens the intensity of
     the pleasure-seeking moment in postmodernism.  --PM
COPYRIGHT: Unless otherwise noted, copyrights for the texts which
comprise this issue of _Postmodern Culture_ are held by their
authors.  The compilation as a whole is Copyright (c) 1992 by
_Postmodern Culture_, all rights reserved.  Items published by
_Postmodern Culture_ may be freely shared among individuals, but
they may not be republished in any medium without express written
consent from the author(s) and advance notification of the
editors.  Issues of _Postmodern Culture_ may be archived for
public use in electronic or other media, as long as each issue is
archived in its entirety and no fee is charged to the user; any
exception to this restriction requires the written consent of the
editors of _Postmodern Culture_.


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