P       RNCU   REPO   ODER       E            P O S T M O D E R N
P  TMOD RNCU  U EP S  ODER  ULTU E               C U L T U R E
P  TMODERNCU  UREPOS  ODER  ULTU E          an electronic journal
P  TMODERNCU  UREPOS  ODER       E           of interdisciplinary
Volume 5, Number 1 (September, 1994)              ISSN: 1053-1920

Editors:     				Eyal Amiran 	
					John Unsworth, issue editor

Review Editor:				Jim English 

Managing Editor:			Amy Sexton 

Editorial Assistants:			Chris Barrett
					Jonathan Beasley

List Manager:				Chris Barrett 

Editorial Board:

     Sharon Bassett 			Phil Novak
     Michael Berube 			Patrick O'Donnell
     Marc Chenetier 			Elaine Orr
     Greg Dawes 			Marjorie Perloff
     bell hooks 			Fred Pfeil
     Graham Hammill 			Mark Poster
     Phillip Brian Harper 		David Porush
     David Herman 			Carl Raschke
     E. Ann Kaplan 			Avital Ronell
     Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett 	Susan Schultz
     Arthur Kroker 			William Spanos
     Neil Larsen 			Gary Lee Stonum
     Tan Lin 				Tony Stewart
     Jerome McGann 			Chris Straayer
     Jim Morrison 			Rei Terada
     Stuart Moulthrop 			Paul Trembath
     Larysa Mykyta 			Greg Ulmer


Deepika Bahri, "Disembodying the Corpus: 		 bahri.994
Postcolonial Pathology in Tsitsi Dangarembga's 
_Nervous Conditions_"

Robert Kolker, "The Moving Image Reclaimed" 		kolker.994

Marie-Laure Ryan, "Immersion vs. Interactivity:           ryan.994
Virtual Reality and Literary Theory"

Allan Stoekl, "'Round Dusk: Kojeve at the End"	        stoekl.994

John Walker, "Seizing Power: Decadence and              walker.994
Transgression in Foucault and Paglia"

Charles Bernstein, Three Poems (Hypermedia)           bernstei.994

James Boros, "Cheered by Battleship"                     boros.994

Michael Evans, Two Poems                                 evans.994

Lidia Yuknavitch, "Differentia"	                      yuknavit.994


     Jeff Bell, "Response to Jonathan Beller's 	         bell.994
     Essay, 'Cinema: Capital of the Twentieth 

     Andrew Levy, "Prehistory and Postmodernism"      pop-cult.994


     Russell A. Potter, "Black Modernisms/Black       review-1.994
     Postmodernisms" Review of: Tricia Rose, 
     _Black Noise: Rap Music and Black Culture in 
     Contemporary America_. Wesleyan UP/ UP of New
     England; and Paul Gilroy, _The Black Atlantic: 
     Modernity and Double-Consciousness_. Harvard UP. 

     Jeffrey Nealon, "Theory That Matters" Review     review-2.994
     of Butler, Judith. _Bodies That Matter: On the 
     Discursive Limits of "Sex"_. New York & London: 
     Routledge, 1993. 

     Jonathan Markovitz, "Blurring the Lines: Art     review-3.994
     on the Border."  Review of La Frontera/The 
     Border: Art About the Mexico/United States 
     Border Experience. Organized by the Centro 
     Cultural de la Raza and the Museum of 
     Contemporary Art, San Diego. 

     Thomas Benson, "Permanence and Change in the     review-4.994
     Global Village" Review of Garry, Patrick M. 
     _Scrambling for Protection: The New Media and 
     the First Amendment_. Pittsburgh: University of 
     Pittsburgh Press, 1994. 

     Kevin J.H. Dettmar, "Postmodern Jeremiad:        review-5.994
     Kruger on Popular Culture" Review of Barbara 
     Kruger. _Remote Control: Power, Cultures, and 
     the World of Appearances_. Cambridge: MIT 
     Press, 1993. 

     Christian L. Pyle, "The Superhero Meets the      review-6.994
     Culture Critic."  Review of Reynolds, Richard. 
     _Super Heroes: A Modern Mythology. Studies in 
     Popular Culture_. Jackson: University of 
     Mississippi Press, 1994. 

          -- Review Editor: Jim English 


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Deepika Bahri, "Disembodying the Corpus:  Postcolonial Pathology
in Tsitsi Dangarembga's 'Nervous Conditions'"

     ABSTRACT: This paper draws attention to the socio-personal
     reciprocity between the symptoms of disease and the female
     condition in postcolonial and patriarchal settings. The 
     "subject" under analysis is Nyasha, the anorexic, teenage 
     deuteragonist of Tsitsi Dangarembga's 1988 novel _Nervous 
     Conditions_. Nyasha demonstrates through her pathological 
     condition the violence wrought on the female body in the 
     successive scenes of pre and post colonial Zimbabwe. In the 
     struggle to escape her assigned subjectivity as woman, 
     native, and other, Nyasha targets her body as the site of 
     resistance, so to destroy the self diseased by both 
     patriarchy and colonization. The paper argues for an expanded
     understanding of the possibilities of female resistance, 
     while suggesting that female praxis needs to be given a 
     central place in feminist and postcolonial politics. --DB

Robert Kolker, "The Moving Image Reclaimed"

     ABSTRACT: "The Moving Image Reclaimed" is an experiment
     in intertextuality. The critical text and its subject, 
     narrative film, are woven together, offering the reader an 
     opportunity to see moving-image examples, and the film 
     scholar the opportunity to quote images with the same 
     freedom as the literary critic quotes words. The films under 
     discussion (Scorsese's "Cape Fear" and Hitchcock's "Strangers 
     on a Train") are themselves works that quote or are quoted 
     from. Finally, as an essay that exists only on-line, "The 
     Moving Image Reclaimed" is an experiment in alternative means 
     of transmitting text and image. --RK

Marie-Laure Ryan, "Immersion vs. Interactivity:  Virtual Reality 
and Literary Theory"

     ABSTRACT: Virtual Reality has been defined as an "interactive
     immersive experience generated by computer." This paper
     investigates the possibility of the literary implementation 
     of these two dimensions. While immersion plays an important 
     role in theories of fiction based on the concepts of possible
     world and of game of make-believe, it presupposes a 
     transparency of the medium that goes against the grain of 
     postmodern aesthetics.  Postmodern literature emulates the 
     interactive aspect of VR in a metaphorical way through self-
     reflexivity, and in a more literal way through hypertext, but
     both of these attempts involve a sacrifice of the pleasure 
     derived from immersion. In computer-generated VR, by contrast,
     immersion and interactivity do not stand in conflict but 
     support each other. The difference in behavior between VR and 
     literature is seen to reside in the participation of the body. 
     While textual worlds are created through a purely mental 
     semiotic activity which presupposes an external point of view,
     the worlds of VR are created from within through an activity 
     both mental and physical. A mind may conceive a world from the
     outside, but a body always experiences it from the inside. 

Allan Stoekl, "'Round Dusk: Kojeve at the End"

     ABSTRACT: This essay attempts to put in perspective the
     relation between a Kojevian posthistoricism and current 
     theories of the postmodern, especially those of Lyotard. While
     the governing trope of postmodern theory has been the concept
     of the death of the "grand narratives"--exemplified by those 
     of Hegel and Marx--one must nevertheless note that, in Kojeve's
     reading of Hegel at least, the end of history results in a 
     proliferation of styles and discourses that one could indeed 
     take as an instance of the postmodern. Is Kojeve, then, 
     postmodern? Through an examination of a number of passages 
     from his major work,  _Introduction to the Reading of Hegel_,
     especially those pertaining to animality, death, and the Book,
     I attempt to isolate the fundamental and radical differences 
     between posthistoricism and the postmodern. But this reading
     allows us to put forward as well the hypothesis that 
     posthistoricism, in and through its very ignorance, may be
     more postmodern than the postmoderns.  --AS

John Walker, "Seizing Power: Decadence and Transgression in 
Foucault and Paglia"

     ABSTRACT: This essay attempts to construct a theoretical 
     rapprochement between these two critics, one the hero of 
     North American liberal-humanist scholars, and the other an 
     avowed enemy of that same group. In doing so, what emerges 
     is a theory of dandyism for the postmodern age and beyond 
     that I call de-structuralism. Drawing on seldom-analyzed 
     statements from Foucault, and concordant elements from 
     Paglia's _Sexual Personae_, de-structuralism attempts to 
     recognize the inescapable necessity of Nietzsche's 
     Apollonian (hierarchical, form-giving) drive, which 
     postmodern criticism has often demonized in favour of an
     idealized version of Dionysian formlessness. If the 
     Apollonian equates to "power," then de-structuralism is 
     the attempt to theorize how individuals might seize this
     power for themselves, re-making their lives into art.

COPYRIGHT: Unless otherwise noted, copyrights for the texts which
comprise this issue of Postmodern Culture are held by their
authors.  The compilation as a whole is Copyright (c) 1994 by
Postmodern Culture and Oxford University Press, all rights
reserved.  Items published by Postmodern Culture may be freely
shared among individuals, but they may not be republished in any
medium without express written consent from the author(s) and
advance notification of the editors.  Issues of Postmodern
Culture may be archived for public use in electronic or other
media, as long as each issue is archived in its entirety and no
fee is charged to the user; any exception to this restriction
requires the written consent of the editors and of the publisher.

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