----------------------------------------------------------------- Editors' Announcements Lisa Brawley lbrawley@kent.edu James F. English jenglish@english.upenn.edu © 1999 Lisa Brawley and James F. English. All rights reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------- New Co-Editor With this issue, PMC welcomes Jim English, who joins Lisa Brawley as co-editor of the journal. This welcome is more properly a welcome back, as Jim served as review editor from the journal's founding to 1996. Paula Geyh, who succeeded Jim in that role, will continue to oversee the review section. Assisting us will be Lisa Spiro, who has replaced Anne Sussman as managing editor. Deepest thanks to Anne for her years of service to the journal, and to Stuart Moulthrop, who concluded his tenure as co-editor in May. PMC Essay Prize Winners We are pleased to announce the winners of the PMC essay prize for Volume 9. This prize is a five hundred dollar award given to the author of the most outstanding essay to appear in the journal in the previous volume year. Winners are selected by the PMC editorial board. The prize for Volume 9 is shared by Terry Harpold, for "Dark Continents: A Critique of Internet Metageographies" (9.2, January 1999), and Jed Rasula, for "Textual Indigence in the Archive" (9.3, May 1999). Congratulations to them both. ----------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT (c) 1999 BY LISA BRAWLEY AND JAMES F. ENGLISH, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS TEXT MAY BE USED AND SHARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FAIR-USE PROVISIONS OF U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW. ANY USE OF THIS TEXT ON OTHER TERMS, IN ANY MEDIUM, REQUIRES THE CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE PUBLISHER, THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY PRESS. THIS ARTICLE AND OTHER CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE ARE AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE UNTIL RELEASE OF THE NEXT ISSUE. A TEXT-ONLY ARCHIVE OF THE JOURNAL IS ALSO AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE. FOR FULL HYPERTEXT ACCESS TO BACK ISSUES, SEARCH UTILITIES, AND OTHER VALUABLE FEATURES, YOU OR YOUR INSTITUTION MAY SUBSCRIBE TO PROJECT MUSE, THE ON-LINE JOURNALS PROJECT OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY PRESS. -----------------------------------------------------------------